
For the time being, they're on the same page as my affiliates and link exchanges. They'll be eventually moved out for expansion.

Live. Love. Life. Concealed Mischief Inexcusable Deliverance Extrasensory Vendetta Love Game Continued Story Fickle & Dishonest Intimate Insolence Rebound! School Rumble

Affiliates, et al.

In the olden days, before WordPress and Bootstrap came to be, anime and gaming-related resource sites were abound. Unfortunately, most of them did not make it to present today.

Ashita He Kouyou Design Love is Zero Resplendent Reverie Snow Drops Vizune Absolute Anime Aestharis Affelius angelic ARIA Aphelion Design Aurora Veil Enamour Gallery Yuri Ichigo Kurenaicons Little Miss Kinomoto Minako’s Sailor Moon Page Missing Ninja Nostalgia for the 2000s Sea Love Sleety The Forgotten Lair The JADED Network

If you used to be or wanna be on the list, then by all means hit me up.


Sukiyaki City


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Ephemeral Gallery Yuri LinkLane List-Me Nerd Listings Smooth Sailing Listings