Welcome to A Glimpsed Horizon, an anime collective which currently houses 718 avatars, 9 textures, 89 PNG renders, and 11 fanlistings. 564,386 downloads have been generated FTW.
Herewith is a glimpse of the avatars.
Persona: Avatar Manager

Because my present job's toxicity is yet to become transparent (if any) and my outputs don't require user interfaces, I've decided to make a public release of the code I'm using in managing the avatars of this site; just for leisure and every whatnot you can probably think of. It'll be bomb. *evil grin*
The characters from the most recent anime I finished greets everyone a Happy, Happy Halloween! Children swarmed our office last Friday and they were so cute in their costumes. Next on my list, Tegami Bachi: Reverse. Thank you Rinku, Kristin, and Karen for these:
Animatedly Panicking

August passed without any update. Sorry 'bout that. It seems I was overwhelmed with my job-hunting adventure. At any rate, it's already coming to an end...
Lately I've been into animated avatars. They look really cute, don't they? I've also just finished watching the whole of Full Metal Panic! With these, I'll end this post with two great animations and a promise: watch out for new additions from FMP!