Wanted: Staff?

Hi guys. How do you like the new look? Can't believe it took me more than a year to replace Near. In any case, doesn't it feel very refreshing? :P The changes include user interactivity and better data handling at the back end. Most of you won't be able to relate (or even care!) to what I meant with the latter, but let's just keep it for happiness' sake. Haha.
Next month or any time soon I'll start hunting for a job. In the face of my confidence, I hope to land on one fast. Because of this, I might barely have time for the site. If you (yes, you!) are willing to work as a staff, please consider applying. Qualifications include:
- Decent avatar-making skills
- Knowledge on XHTML
Send samples to nelson@flirt-wind.net for me to decide if you can be part of A.G.I.T.H. :) Jaa~!
Heh, you are back! And I am liking the new layout. :D
(But it took over a year?! And I thought I was bad! xD)
Well, good luck job and staff hunting!
Oh, and I think your commenting script does not like apostrophes. xD
Hai there~ Just passed by to let you know Otakuddict has moved to a new home at http://solaria.sky-song.org. Please change your links~ Thanks!
Hi @ Nelson!
Are you job hunting? Me too. I just resigned from a sales company last year and have had a carefree life since then.
Is there a web development or designer job positions out there?