
Welcome to A Glimpsed Horizon, an anime collective which currently houses 718 avatars, 9 textures, 89 PNG renders, and 11 fanlistings. 559,943 downloads have been generated FTW.

Herewith is a glimpse of the avatars.

ID: 245 ID: 282 ID: 427 ID: 262

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Bye to Old, Hello to New

Bye to Old, Hello to New

Hi, Jaja here. Some of the anime series I'm watching ended about a week ago (Pandora Hearts and 07-Ghost). In memory of them, I made quite a number of icons in those series.

Though they already ended, a new series caught my eyes - Fairy Tail, which started last October 12... and I just had to make icons from it. :D

Ok, so here's the 12 icons I added today:

Hope you like 'em! wai~*

Seven Ghosts

Seven Ghosts

I found out last week that Dattebayo happens to have subbed 07-Ghost (thought they only do Naruto). Since Janine added some avatars from the series last month, I thought I might as well see the anime myself. With the girls gone from the boarding house (the suspects for the slow connection :P), I was able to download all 25 episodes in just two days before weekend struck. I finished watching 'em today and now I present five ten avatars using my own snapshots.

On the 18th I'll be taking an IT certification exam. With all honesty I don't feel like passing it all. It might sound clichéd, but, really, it seems hopeless. Anyway, I have other plans now. And that includes revamping this site by December. Haha. Lame, right? Back off then.

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