
Welcome to A Glimpsed Horizon, an anime collective which currently houses 718 avatars, 9 textures, 89 PNG renders, and 11 fanlistings. 557,873 downloads have been generated FTW.

Herewith is a glimpse of the avatars.

ID: 5 ID: 70 ID: 340 ID: 79

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At Least 10...

At Least 10...

Sixteen avatars added today — the highest number in a single update so far. I'm kind of sad that the hits are going down though...

In the future I will try to provide at least ten avatars per series. I'm pretty sure it'll come impossible at times so I'll just have to trim it down to five in that case. are my picks:

ID: 152 ID: 156 ID: 157 ID: 159 ID: 161 ID: 162 ID: 163

P.S. Don't add a comment if you're just to reply about something I commented on your site. It sucks.

School's Out

School's Out

Now I can say that soon I will be out of school for good. Right now, many things are running 'round my head. It can be that this is a sign that I should give up many of my spare time activities, which includes running this site. Then again, I only opened this up, so that should not be made possible. I've been busy as hell struggling during my remaining days, and I deserve some eternal sleep. In fact, I'll be spending the Holy Week alone at the dorm.

After finishing re-watching Hunter x Hunter Greed Island Final OVA this morning, I added two more avatars from the series. I don't care if no one wants them anymore. I just look forward to the animation of the remaining arc.

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