
Welcome to A Glimpsed Horizon, an anime collective which currently houses 718 avatars, 9 textures, 89 PNG renders, and 11 fanlistings. 557,873 downloads have been generated FTW.

Herewith is a glimpse of the avatars.

ID: 660 ID: 253 ID: 346 ID: 235

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Seek Out!

Seek Out!

Thanks to my affiliate, Clint, I have been reliving my Hunter x Hunter experience. It's been made possible by the aid of all the overtime work at school. While coding for our project, I make use of the incomparable connection to download something.

Seek Out!

Seven avatars from the series added today. Not a bad update after all the MIAs, huh? And while I'm at it, I might as well plug my fansite that's been up for some time now.

Edit: Finished watching World Destruction just last night.



Today is Friday the 13th and I am proof of its curse. To all my affiliates and link exchanges, Happy Valentine.

Happy Valentine 2009 from A.G.I.T.H

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