
Welcome to A Glimpsed Horizon, an anime collective which currently houses 718 avatars, 9 textures, 89 PNG renders, and 11 fanlistings. 557,846 downloads have been generated FTW.

Herewith is a glimpse of the avatars.

ID: 240 ID: 584 ID: 89 ID: 271

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Slam Daioh / Azumanga Dunk

Slam Daioh / Azumanga Dunk

These days I feel that the only way for me to keep what's left of my Photoshop "skills" is by maintaining fanlistings, and that is why after more than four months since applying for them, I finally launched Rebound! and School Rumble, rounding up the number of fanlistings to 11.

Rebound! School Rumble

Light Traces

Light Traces

Added two textures which are actual photos taken in Medellin and Heredia. Progressed in Itinerant again by posting about the layover in Mexico last year.

Medellin Heredia

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