
Welcome to A Glimpsed Horizon, an anime collective which currently houses 718 avatars, 9 textures, 89 PNG renders, and 11 fanlistings. 562,764 downloads have been generated FTW.

Herewith is a glimpse of the avatars.

ID: 222 ID: 232 ID: 208 ID: 260

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Annual Catching Up

Annual Catching Up

What can I say? It may have been three years and a day since the last update but let it be known that as long as this site is accessible then it simply means that I am still alive and able to renew my domains and web hosting. The point of shutting it down, I still don't see. There shouldn't be any harm with leaving some things as they are, you see.

2017 was a massive travel year for me. Even I was surprised how I managed to secure promo fares to THA, KOR, SGP, AUS, JPN, and ARE. (It might not be the same this year, though, which is actually good.) But that didn't mean that I totally lost track of my dosage. The Seven Deadly Sins, catching up on One Piece, and the second season of Attack on Titan ('course!) were on my prescription.

If again for the rest of the year you won't find me here, hopefully you will at Beer & Skittles and Itinerant.

Still Not Getting Any

Still Not Getting Any

I wanna swear to my heart's content but I'd rather skip that for now. Another year has yet again passed without me realizing it, and I'm still the same lazy ass — only managed to post a single update and produced four avatars. How pathetic. I wanna pull all the hair from my head right now. My attention span has become poorer than ever. Maybe I should go see a therapist or something.

Anyway, last December 26 I moved the site to my own domain after went down. Thankfully, I happened to access the database and generated a backup last November 1. I may have lost some record updates, but they shouldn't be that much.

Going back to the hot topic of my inactivity here, well, things have really gone really crazy. There's my job as a Java programmer, my travels (and the damn uploading of pictures on Facebook which takes me forever), and all that other social sh*t. Before I can log one, another one comes around. As of writing I have the following lined up:

It's indeed better to just set goals rather than lie to yourself about New Year's resolutions. Time is simply no longer a luxury when you've already truly immersed yourself in the real world. Unless you're the greatest introvert mankind has ever known, of course.

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