
Welcome to A Glimpsed Horizon, an anime collective which currently houses 718 avatars, 9 textures, 89 PNG renders, and 11 fanlistings. 564,415 downloads have been generated FTW.

Herewith is a glimpse of the avatars.

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Staff Update

Staff Update

Hello, Ammi here! I am now staff at A.G.I.T.H (: I will now help with updating and uploading and also avatar making. Thanks Nelson for letting me help out (: I'll try hard to keep up.

So, now for updates. I have made plenty of avatars but unfortunately I'm not able to upload them all. Eleven avatars have been added in total, three avatars from the newly added series Princess Mononoke, two Bleach avatars, two Vampire Knight avatars, one Naruto avatar, an avatar from the series Final Fantasy, a Full Metal Panic avatar, and one D.Gray Man avatar.

Anyways, enjoy!


Edit: Nelson here. Another staff enters the scene the same time as Ammi. Everyone, say hello to Janine, a classmate of mine.



It's already August yet I've only managed to add two (Kuroshitsuji) icons. Yeah, lame. I haven't even served Kuusou properly as a co-owner lately. Sorry, Yukie. Shotgun courses are not easy to handle especially for someone like me who's always been inclined not to do things today because there's always a tomorrow. Thankfully, though, so far, I'm still blinking.

By around the end of the month we'll be given a short break. I'll probably work my ass out during that time. For now, just watch out for newly-uploaded avatars.

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