Welcome to A Glimpsed Horizon, an anime collective which currently houses 718 avatars, 9 textures, 89 PNG renders, and 11 fanlistings. 564,363 downloads have been generated FTW.
Herewith is a glimpse of the avatars.
Movie Trailers

This will be a quick update. Today I managed to download the last episode of Vampire Knight Guilty and while the Internet connection was just so savory I decided to look for a Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince trailer and, guess what, I think I've finally seen the official one. It's upload date was three days ago. I only recently read the book. Awesome.
According to my tracker, my avatar pages are now happily indexed by Google that they already turn out when searches are made. Guess I'll have to somehow base my future works on what's popularly searched. Of course, I just added some Harry Potter avatars and brought back the very few non-anime avatars stockpiled.
P.S. Sairah, if Cbox has been troubling you, why not try ShoutMix?
Edit: A contact form's finally up! [011809]
Link Exchange?

Since I started the new site I have been constantly adding affiliates and link exchanges. However, lately, some have gone astray. I have temporarily removed two, one from each.
With regard to this, I would like to seek for more sites to exchange links with. I'm a webmaster who tends to always drop by all the sites who're linked to his. As long as you have an update, you might always find me being there in time. If you're interested, please consider a few simple rules.
Plug: Yukie, for making me two linking buttons.